My Experience with Hip Pain During Pregnancy

As a mom, we go through many things during pregnancy. From morning sickness to swollen feet, we end up bearing a lot of pain. But what happens when hip pain becomes unbearable? I went through three pregnancies, and the first one was a breeze, but the second one was a nightmare. In this blog, I’ll share my experience with hip pain during pregnancy, what I did to cope, and what I would have done differently.

During my first pregnancy, I didn’t experience any hip pain, even though I gained the most weight. Fast forward to my second pregnancy, and by the third trimester, I was in horrendous pain. My doctor diagnosed me with SPD (symphysis pubis dysfunction), and I was advised to take it easy. But working full time, taking care of a family, and being pregnant wasn’t easy. I had a doctor’s note stating that I needed a chair while working at the register, but my employer declined, stating it was against company policy.

I continued to work, even though I was in pain. Looking back, I would have quit my job on the spot. Working while pregnant can be challenging enough, but pain, let alone hip pain, never makes things easier. Would it have been hard? Yes. But I know that the pain I went through wasn’t worth it. If your employer isn’t willing to make accommodations for your comfort and health, then they don’t deserve your time.

After giving birth, I assumed my pain would disappear, but it didn’t. I remained active, as I had two children to take care of, and a husband who was always away due to his career. But even with constant movement, the pain was still there. Hip pain doesn’t discriminate between age and fitness level, so even if you’re in shape, the pain can still be unbearable.

There are many things you can do to cope with hip pain during pregnancy besides quitting your job. Rest, chiropractic care, massages, and supportive equipment like a pregnancy support band can all assist in easing the pain. I probably wouldn’t have made it my entire pregnancy being able to move even the slightest without them all. If you’re experiencing unbearable pain, consult with your doctor for guidance.

Hip pain during pregnancy isn’t something to ignore. It’s precious to take care of your body and ensure you’re not overworking yourself. My experience taught me that if your employer isn’t willing to make accommodations for your health and comfort, then leave. It may be difficult, but it isn’t worth the pain and suffering it may result in. Remember, every pregnancy and every person’s body is different, so listen to your instincts and consult with your doctor when necessary. Pregnancy is a beautiful, but yet challenging journey, and we should be kind to ourselves and put our health first.